Gas Regulators: Single-Stage and Dual-Stage
You need many different pieces of equipment to ensure safety while working with gas product cylinders. Pressure reduction regulators are the safest way of reducing cylinder pressure to specific level for special instruments and operating equipment.
There are two types of gas regulators used for this—single-stage and dual-stage.
Single-Stage Regulators
Single-stage gas regulators allow you to reduce cylinder pressure to delivery and outlet pressure in one step. Since as the cylinder pressure during its use decreases, the single-stage regulator may show a slight variation with delivery pressure. So, it’s best to use single-stage regulators if you do not need constant outlet pressure or you have someone else monitoring and readjusting the pressure or a device that allows stable inlet pressure.
Dual-Stage Regulators
Dual-stage regulators are like two regulators combined. The non-adjustable first stage reduces inlet pressure to an intermediate setting. The adjustable second stage can reduce the intermediate pressure to the final delivery pressure. The biggest benefit of a duel-stage regulator is steady delivery pressures, which eliminates the need for periodic adjustment. If you need constant delivery of pressure, use a dual-stage regulator.
Gas Regulator Safety
Wear protective glasses during the installation and operation of gas handling equipment. Do not try to reposition or detach the regulator in the pressurized or operation stage. Assign one regulator to one gas service only to avoid contamination and dangerous mixing. Label which regulator goes with which gas. Do not use a gas regulator as a shut-off valve. Always shut off the gas stream at the source when it’s not being used. Do not allow a greater inlet pressure than what is recommended for the regulator. If you are looking for gas detector calibration or calibration gas mixture in Houston, TX, talk to Green Light Safety at 832-262-9931 right away. With over 15 years’ experience in this industry, Green Light Safety specializes in rentals, sales and service of Gas Detection equipment as well as calibration of the equipment.